An integral sense Comes with belonging to a scene Supposedly absent of barriers (When s**ism is only one of many) Earnest words Calling for unity of the s**es When she's still the chick, or stupid b**h (Ridiculed for showing an interest) Hidden indifference Strikes an emotion reaction When you see an animal being abused Yet un-noticed when a woman Is abused in the same way The links in oppression Stem from the same degradation
But to one our eyes remain closed Actively abusing the rights of one Whilst fighting for those of another The 'scene' may hold a different name But the roleplays just the same Egual rights are fine As long as she's in her place Outrightly denouncing fascism Whilst oblivious to it taking place Is condemnation of standarts All an act to save face Unity a stark ambition When out abuse surpa**es recognition