The ascension of human intelligence To atomic genocide h*mo sapien The disease the cause the pollution Erase the aeons of evolution Pushed too far just a matter of time Seemingly nothing to halt the tide... ...Except the end...Accept the end? Side one (1-12) credits: Recorded at Rich b**h 8-Track in Birmingham August '86 Engineered by Mick Ivory Produced by Napalm d**h, Unseen Terror and Head of David Lyrics by Nik and Justin '82-'86 Justin Broderick - Guitars Nik - Ba**/Vocals Mick Harris - Drums
Side two (13-28) credits: Recorded at Rich b**h 8-Track in Birmingham May '87 Engineered by Mick Ivory Produced by Napalm d**h, Dig and Unseen Terror Lyrics by Jim '86-'87 Bill Steer - Guitars Lee Dorrian - Lead Growls Mick Harris - Drums/Whirlwind caveman screams and growls Jim - Grinding ba** and eyes popping out All lyrics and music by Napalm d**h '82-'87 Damn, heavy lyrics huh? Told you, you were really missing out on some quality lyrics... you don't get things this cool in rap songs! -Yog