(Joy Of The Present) Blumaza, Bnaspol, Bobogel Bralges, Blisdon, Bornogo Sun entranced reveals Far beyond perfection, consonance and... light Hic et nunc, we are creating natures But still praying for in-existence ex-stasis from drammatic mimesis Semiotic screens obscured by epigenesis marvel Is a dissonance... Cold gaze abstraction sacrifices dynamic glance experience Viewpoint paradigm code necrosophized Simulacrum now dominates... Exosomatic dimensions turn the memory in technofaith Delete the superstructures of history Perception devoured by uncontrolled epoch? Pilgrimage in everpresents... Post-sensorial supreme knowledge Tortured with universal transfusion
Unite the vestiges of this vespertine race violence Terminate homination process with psyentific occult antropomorphism extensions The viral simphony of flesh-enslaved self Monadism maimed dialectics perverts the phylum mutation hermeneutics construction Dichotomy of ancestral damnation Ends in archaic pulse of re-incantation as invisible saviour In ritual downfall A dispersion being... Dismal heuristic eclipsed distance dancin' inside the wombs of synthetized realities Chronophagic sores chrysalis of mummified catastrophies Beyond perfection, consonance and light the night proclaims we're less than beasts