So once again you found the way you left long ago. Your eyes are asking: "How could I ever let you go?" I let you go your way, knowing that nothing could force you to stay by my side though I've tried. I spoke to you in dreams galore, tried to reach you mind, Streched out my arms and touched your soul, carefully and kind. Where I would take you in my little boat that would glide down the hills on a stream in your dream.
And once again you take your wings that you left behind, You're brushing off the dust that clings to negligence and time. Now is the time that is easy and flowing and soaring up there you will say: I will stay! And yet I know that once again you will let me go. The memory of me will fade, you'll be on your own. Soon you will wander again in the gloom While my candle will shine strong and bright through Your night.