Fires rage like an untamed bull While waters rush with flammable pull Trees grow with hope of astronomical success While humans practice pa**ion hoping to s** less A bad mess, humanity is Crude gestures and soda fizz Pop, goes the aluminum top To some fake energy And we say "it better be A republican in office next semester" But the pesticides are pestering Our brains become a smoldering pot For some GMO's Yet the pro's for nutrition Say our health is their mission
No I can't go another year With all this bullsh** in my ear Bout' how Obamacare is better Or how the Earth is slowly melting See It stings to hear some truth Cuz you'd rather stuff your face with food And jam to mainstream music I'm sick, of JB's swag Or how your Call Of Duty lagged You need to practice Nah, not to diss every kid that looks at you wrong Just practice Being compa**ionate and being less wrong Educate Not hate Relevate Every day Peace.