Twelve miles into the mountains A house with a neighbor-less wooded lot All the animals in hibernation No sound but the wind and the ghosts that haunt Here in this place Is a man of eighteen Out to prove god exists Through demonic activity He turns off all the lights And braces for the late nights Of turning crosses upside down Just to talk to the darkest spawn of hell His hands shiver and swell As he sees the door across the hall Open and close itself It started with the open doors, the open doors Voices that I've never heard before, never heard before Long nights hearing footsteps Voices calling out his name Cups flying off the table The demons are here And he is to blame If you pray For the demons to flee The place that they stay
Then they'll come back With seven more than with which they came Tranquility for two days Before he called out their names And they came back Cutting arms and pulling shades He filmed them through the night Saying his name Saying, "Down with your King." Candles that light themselves Blood on the door frame I'm here all alone But it feels like I'm amongst a group of people That want me dead A warrant over my head I got the proof I wanted I got the proof I needed I got the proof I wanted They still watch me in my sleep They still watch me sleep They still watch me in my sleep They still watch me sleep I got the proof I wanted They still watch me in my sleep I got the proof I wanted They still watch me sleep I got the proof I wanted