We found a well that defies the laws of thermodynamics
We found a well that powers all our mechanics
An endless energy supply – from here in the ground
Surely, we must tell the entire town
People lined up for miles
Eagerly anticipating easier lives
But some more than others
Took days at a time
Impatience led to anger
And anger to crime
Voices escalating
Such elitist defiance
We started at self-sufficiency and finished with violence
I coulda sworn
That this is everything we ever wanted
Soon enough the wall was regulated
Government running it and charging for the benefit
As you would expect some gained a sense of co-dependence
While others came to riot civil, national, continental wars
Over-population like never before
The fuel industry in its entirety
Was run into the ground
There were no more job opportunities
For the people of my little town
And the more poverty that struck
The more we relied on ourselves
But without jobs, we have no money to fund the war to protect our well
I guess the world before wasn’t so bad after all
I guess the world before wasn’t so bad after all
And so our country took the money
That it still had left
And dropped a nuclear bomb
Into the cavernous chest of the well
No more reason for war, no more proverbial hell
The world decided to start over
Erasing any record of the events that occurred
And ten thousand years later... we found a well