Dirty old streets and dirty young women Dirty black skies over dirty politicians Someone's gotta clean up this mess Ain't gonna be me though They got cameras in the sky Collecting on the damage Then they televise the suspect The lowly savage Like some preachers critiquing Strip teases at peep shows "All good boys and girls do as you're told Pay your taxes, obey your God." But what do we do when it's our God or Government who has done wrong? Father got his books of the Bible Puppies got them loveable eyes An idol got a slew of disciples A thief in disguise don't need a crowbar to pry
And I'm a God-fearin' man So I'm gon' run as fast as I can; No crook in a suit's gonna take from my hand When my babies need food And soon they'll want crayons "All loyal subjects, you need not fear - If you stand fast, brother provides." But what do we do when our brother forgets His blood is just as mine? "What's hangin' outta your shirt? What's hangin' outta your skirt? You make me want some... but don't call if you ain't gon' come What's hangin' outta your purse? You gon' fit that in your hearse? So lemme have some... but don't call if you ain't gon' come."