Join the cult, and reset your mind The high priest, will inject you will lies Pay the prize, say goodbye to your life Your family, cannot change your mind Stand in line and trust your call They don't know they will soon fall The high priest made plans with god Mutilation, screams and blood On holy ground, you gather around The high priest will announce your demise On a table, blades of all kinds Cut off your limbs and reduce your size Stand in line and trust your call They don't know they will soon fall The high priest made plans with god
Mutilation, screams and blood Suicide, in your eyes Zombified, by the lies Depraved of all, dignity Mutilate, severed feet On the ground, one by one Bloody entrails, portrays their doom The high priest, is dancing around Now he got his bloodsoaked room Stand in line and trust your call They don't know they will soon fall The high priest made plans with god Mutilation, screams and blood Collective - suicide! Collective suicide Collective - suicide! Collective ... suicide