Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated Occurring together in a meaningful manner When synchronicity is working for you, your frequently, repetitively detailed thoughts simply seem to fall into place In the shape, an event, that would have been just too improbable Had you not thought this event into existence Lady Luck appears to be on your side You enter into a certain flow Whereas all your energies and efforts slip effortlessly into their rightful conclusion As though it was always meant to be this way This synchronicity can be accelerated By following some very simple guidelines Through ascension of meditation and positive thinking Anything can be achieved Meditation and exercise Practiced and used to silence your mind Through correct posture, aligning of the chakra points Relaxation, awareness of the self as the illuminating light of the mind Concentration on the mantra The frequency of the universe All of the five God-given senses You will be able to silence your mind To stop your mind from thinking Pause it from thought For, it is in this silence, this state of nothingness That you will be able to open a direct link Between yourself and the creative intelligence of the universe In this space of nothingness, there consists of no space or time Which means the past, the present, and the future, in every dimension
Are all here now In this dream in which we exist It is in this moment that we truly experience The wonders and the full sensations of life As we aren't distracted by our thoughts Which are no more than the problems of yesterday And the possible solutions of tomorrow Practice coming into the moment Through the concentration on nothingness To achieve this pause in thought In the space of thoughts, we will not be experiencing So make these thoughts count In creating creative synchronicity Visualize, frequently see yourself Doing and possessing what you wish for Visualize these things in absolute detail Feel the atmosphere of the event, the smell in the air The feeling of the atmosphere on your skin Be in the moment of these thoughts Experience them as though they were actually happening And whatever you think, in endless repetitive detail Will come true Then get up and work for what you want Put yourself in the right place, at the right time Because at every second of your life, you will arrive at a place in which you have to decide the next stop The next move to take So discriminate wisely, allowing your intuition to lead the way Whatever effort you put in, you will surely receive back tenfold For you are the center of the universe You are the center of reality It is your world, and everything around you is yours Make your world happen For you