Mon-Tues: No Journal Assigned Wed 9/18 : The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby was born in the early 1900's, his family had been prominent, they were well to do people living in the middle western city for three generations.they had a tradition that were descended. his grand father owned a wholesale hardware business that now his father takes care of and operates. Gatsby looks like his uncle, he graduated from New Haven college in 1915, he later participated in the great war, after that he decided to go east and learn the bond business, which most of his family were part of. After he left the country side of his hometown, he moved into the city, which he wasn't use to.
Thurs, 9/19 : Gatsby and his dad moved into together,they found a house that was weather beaten cardboard bungalow at $80 a month.his dad left to Washington, while Gatsby stayed with the family dog and a Finnish woman, she cleaned and cooked for him.he had been lonely, one day a man knocked on his door step, asking if he knew where west egg village was, Gatsby closed the door on him and continued on with his day, his morning walk, strolling through the summer wind, flowers burst as spring slowly was turning into summer.