I've been living comfy in my beach police state Where the road d**h toll duplicate at a fierce rate I've been working on my health, trying hard to change But the change ain't a choice, it's a State Gov. PSA Every action gets muffled by a law Put in place to underscore the d**h that it caused But instead of banging heads together, shopping for a positive The brain-stormers at the levers vote no tolerance Whip crack on a sack of weed in a sock Cops wasting resource out head-knocking the block Make any new lock and the kids'll be picking it off That's the nature of law enforcement A piggy bank of court costs Never ever smashed open, then openly gloat About a crackdown, outta town home they honed Where the sulphur stank forever And a Government Ad made the neighbours get clever defending their pad Lock up a couple of big names in the “faculty” Maintaining their innocence Same day that the magistrate takes aim at the populous Distrusting the lot of em Up-spiking profit for bikies to make off of em So now a 50 is jail time, from all different life walks So all of my friends now are criminal eyesores No matter their net worth, no matter their life cause Contributing life source to Australian pie charts and graphs for these underworld figures Black Market roll-call for hydroponic riggers Misjudging every attribute of compa**ionate humans with a tattoo of distrust on the outside of the vacuum Mine cash infiltrating television stations Aussie underbelly pedestal of Ned Kelly Imbedded in the governing of every level meddled for the benefit of valuing a metal over anything My state is a boa constrictor Beautiful specimen, abundant elements Mining for the backbone, paradise mouth Padded up floors so we can't fall down Paternalist napkin catching all the drips So they break out the bars, erupt and have a fit
Since we've never felt trusted living in the west Maybe we experiment a little and enforce.. less? I ‘m not saying there should be less cops on the beat I'm not saying there aren't f**heads that need to be policed Swinging punches by lunchtime with that ‘land of the free' punch-line And the pride meter so high their night is a prize-fight Knuckle-stained bucket kickers ticking off their lists Snapback capped lads out amplifying risk Born bred and labelled into sinking the piss Same teat that dad s**ed when pops snuck his first sip But trip to Europe for a wine, beer or stiff Where the population nightcap from the age of six Is there a binge til you biff Caucasian slapstick Like any weekend on the corner of Lake and James Northbridge? Or do you vibe on a little more trust? Archaic ages of history on us “young roughs need a luck charm, guidebook or bible Or How To for dummies out to brawl when the bar's full!” Maybe there's incentives and schemes for the people Where you invest trust and then reciprocate the equal? A little bit of give and take instead of a no? A little bit of please don't, but smoke that at home? A little bit of privilege for handling your bros When they've put a few too many powders in their nose? So every other individual who can handle their alcohol Might go out on the town without the violent and combatant fool Shirt-rip, gla**-pipe, Hogan in their face Cause they'd have less of a reason to be angry in the first place? My state is a boa constrictor Beautiful specimen, abundant elements Mining for a backbone, paradise mouth Padded up floors so we can't fall down Paternalist napkin catching all the drips So they break out the bars, erupt and have a fit Since we've never felt trusted living in the west Maybe we example set and enforce.. less?