Safe until the darkness falls To loneliness a demon calls Creeping in, arousing my fears To breathe a language that noone else hears Can I cope alone tonight? The shrinking violet I've become inside To you I may seem insecure But did you know me what I was before? I remember dancing as a child A careless confidence danced with me Whatever happened to the sun? Only seemed to notice when it had gone Lead me back to where it seems I danced alone in sunlit dreams Unafraid to play with fire With a view through a child's eyes, naive and wild Can I cope alone tonight? The shrinking violet I've become inside
To you I may seem insecure But did you know me what I was before? I remember dancing as a child A careless confidence danced with me Whatever happened to the sun? Only seemed to notice when it had gone If I ever meet again with her Could I tell her I could live with her? If I ever meet again with her I will tell her I could live with her I will cope alone tonight I'll fight these demons that I've tried to describe I won't be so insecure I will show you what I was before I will dance then as a child A careless confidence will dance with me I'll be warmed there by the sun You would notice when I had gone