DE NATURA DAEMONUM (Lyrics: Amduscias; Music: Nebiros, Amduscias) Wise scribe instructed in the abyss Johannes Anania, the tortuous priest. He'll unveil the secrets of hell's furnace To give the myth of Lucifer endurance. De natura daemonum De natura daemonum Taught by Satan, raised in the fiery pits Mastered the forbidden arts, bit by bit. Our Lords instrument for conversion: The lore of wickedness and perversion. De natura daemonum De natura daemonum
Learn on the nature of demons A millenary infernal treasure. Learn from the nature of demons So your suffering may become pleasure. Acknowledge the nature of demons Levitating in the air, descending from the skies, Ascending from the seas. To refrain from the nature of demons?!?!?!?! Showing no forgiveness, deprived of any mercy, Leaving all to die. (Leads: Rosan, Nebiros) On the nature of demons On the nature of demons (Mortem, 2004)