Storms of magic rolling forth A power so strong, an inhuman force Apocalyptic signs puts the terror on your mind Now you must decide Join us or die! Crushing the gates of Oreus, we come back to life We defeated d**h, nothing stands our might The fire of our hatred couldn't die with our flesh To the last you denied us but you can't deny the cold hands at your neck! We are of a race from beyond the stars Through timeless space we've come for thee We are the spiteful ghouls of eternity Our eyes will cut like knifes You will die by our very sight listen to our song...
We come from beyond, we bring the new dawn Now join us and be strong or die by our ineffable wrath We hold the crimson might You cannot see us and stay alive We'll take the world to it's chest and bring eternal darkness The thunder shakes you, you are frozen by the roar The roar from the mountain The heart of war comin', louder...louder - BURN! Die and die a thousand times more Is this world worth dying for? Does it's inhabitants deserve your respect? Wouldn't you rather just give 'em all eternal f**ing d**h?? One day you'll understand bu it will be too longer in wait