We are templars, of an old order And we are believers, of an old conception Before the birth of time we roamed spaces unknown Undreamed of dreams, fabulous scenes A spectacle beyond the most vivid human fantasy A crown of glory adorned our shapes The nightsky was our home and the stars our desolate hosts Templars, I summon thee my friends so old Awaken from thine dwelling sleep And let us once more ride our steeds to eradicate the weak Have you heard the starwinds blow?
Far our where the watchers lure You should be pleased of your ignorance For knowledge can be a most dreadful curse A crown... Templars... My words shall sound the alarm, legions awakened to arm My sword shall shatter the bonds, and we'll see what'll come from beyond Oh, rise our legions Feel the rage at heart An army of ghouls and demons Led by the templars Do you hear the starwinds blow? And do you feel the darkness creeping upon you?