The softest glow That burns above these branches I know I need to chase this Formless and faceless Your just in time And we both know Something the other doesnt The shape well be making The color well be tasting Your hand is mine SPIRIT! Is this my shadow or your sillouette Eyes of the same face Blood of the same veins We move in time Is this a phantom Or a feeling Whispers when im dreaming Hums when im singing Your voice is mine SPIRIT! Trade with me now Speak thru my mouth Your eyes are my eyes
And eyes of the clouds I swallowed your rain And i spit your storm out Hands are the hands Where the branches reach out Into the wind, to the wind, to a howl I AM TOO Walking and talking In more ways than one Leap up and lept out Now the leave the ground to run This voice holds A thunder on the tounge Taking the shape of the name you gave up I AM TOO Speak thru my mouth I swallowed your rain And I spit your storm out Taking the shape of the name you gave up I WANT TO