Lyrics: Christian Liljegren & Mick Nordström Music: Stephan Mohlin, Mick Nordström, Simeon Liljegren & Richard Eriksson Read the news about yesterday Five people were k**ed It was a tragic, ma**ive, ma**acre k**ers on the run Fear, chaos, hysteria Looking for a scapegoat Four innocent people judged for the crime that They haven't done Speaking lies! Conscience gone! 15 years - nothing has changed! In this crazy messed up world 15 years - nothing has changed!
Look back in history When the carpenter was k**ed It was a tracig, ma**ive, ma**acre But victory was won Fear, chaos, hysteria Born to be a scapegoat He was an innocent man judged for the crime that He was God's son Speaking lies! Conscience gone! 2000 years - Nothing has changed! In this crazy messed up world 2000 years - Nothing has changed! Go in peace and sin no more! Crazy world (Synthetizer played by Mick Nordström)