I was here before all the trouble started
I spawned from a seed planted deep in the earth
I've lived all my life trying to be more cold hearted
I've lived all my life trying to re-trace steps to my birth
Haven't you ever wondered why teens do d**?
Haven't you ever tried to open your heart, open your mind,
To all the topics that may prove my generation as a failure to human kind?
Do you also close the door to all the kids who need hugs?
I grew up being told my biggest vice will be the d**h of me
Now I live life knowing I will probably die comfortably
Now I live life with people calling me a prophecy
Now we'll all die from following stupid philosophy
I've been good since I came out of my eggshell
I've been better BEFORE men turned to females
I'm still happy even though the world isn't getting better
I promise to be great from NOW on until FOREVER.