I think you thought that I was kidding when we talked all night About music and the way our shadows hit the light And my room is just a playground for lost cause, another conversation I'm not good enough So we talked all night until the sun came up, I think most of the bands you like all s** And I think that maybe you listen to way too much Brand New and Morrissey I've spent my summers feeling younger 'cause we never grew up It's not perfect, I admit it, but it's good enough I deconstructed myself just to try to be a person somebody else wanted me to be I was wrong And every conversation that we ever had About high school or how much I sometimes miss my dad Or post high school in college when we all got lost
And spent some nights I've already forgot Like when I thought that I was quitting, just giving up I wrote some words down on a flier at a random truck stop I talked more than I think I ever had I was glad I was glad And all I know, and all I've been, it made me better but it took so long to get here And I still fall, and I still talk to you when I feel weak now and then I still care, I just pretend I don't But some whole days, I think I really don't I don't know myself at all sometimes I'm a mess when you are not around Problem is, I like to be alone I'm confused, just like everyone else Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa