Went for a walk In a cloudy night Under a waning moon Followed a path unknown As I wandered erratically Across open plains into the woods Without an idea Where it would lead me to When I left my home Driven by an urge I couldn't explain When the first day broke I reached a lake Its dark, brooding water streaked by the wind First beams of sunlight Shone through the trees And thawed the nightly cold Out of my bones As I journeyed on
And left the woods behind The scenery changed slowly Until a vast plain spread out before me A dusty, barren veld Sparsely covered In scrawny low scrub Everything silent apart from a whistling wind On the top of a mountain I watched another day rise How I got there How long it took me I didn't know Up on the plateau I overlooked The inscrutable desert below Was this my destination? Was this my fate from the beginning?