When you start to play Resident Evil 6 YOU HAMMER THE bu*tONS AND WIGGLE THE STICKS!! To punch or to shoot or to jump or to kick YOU HAMMER THE bu*tONS AND WIGGLE THE STICKS!! I'm screaming at Leon because he's so thick His spatial awareness is that of a brick The camera keeps jerking it's making me sick SO HAMMER THE bu*tONS AND WIGGLE THE STICKS!!! What's with these controls are they taking the Mick?
NO HAMMER THE bu*tONS AND WIGGLE THE STICKS!!! Just give me some options, a tactic to pick! NO HAMMER THE bu*tONS AND WIGGLE THE STICKS!!!! These damn QTEs happen too bloody quick I'm tired of shaking the an*log stick IF THE CAMERA KEEPS JERKING I'M GONNA BE SICK!!! SO HAMMER THE bu*tONS AND WIGGLE THE STICKS!!!! HAMMER THE bu*tONS AND WIGGLE THE STICKS!!!