I don't know but it's clear to me sh**s hitting the fan in reality Live and let live sure But to neglect what's truly free This Nations on a fact check spree Spit spat spew the cat wrath Cause she don't really care Babies growing up all over Strangers changing underwear God HE is a patient God When HE is having fun But when the children suffer You best know who's "Top Gun" Lucifer rules this earth He has for ever in a day We bit ,chewed and spit The fruit from which we ALL Were seeded and are made I remember years ago An AD on TV Two heads of Countries... fist fighting
For what "THEY" thought was free When I saw this it made so much sense They are the ones "creating" rules to FENCE! I'm not talking borders here I'm talking block us in....AMERICAN They have managed to make us KILL Each other just for "their" sh**s and grins So carry on and argue Who was a better leader Who was the greatest man of all? Who was the best goat bleater There's nothing wrong as an ADULT To play our nasty selves But BABIES being used in America? God help us ALL... should HE remove HIS veil Done spouting off!