As Jordon, a m**m Nation where Islam is the predominate religion, GOES FULL FORCE AGAINST ISIS, radical m**ms that MURDER innocents for sport...our supposedly AMERICAN president of the United States decided his priority at todays prayer breakfast was that CHRISTIANS need to get off of their "high horses." This man needs to be BOOTED out of office and OUT of this CHRISTIAN NATION that welcomes ALL religions. This NATION is under CHRISTIAN LAW established by the forefathers. Christian Laws don't permit, condone or aid in beheadings, ma**acres or child slaughters.
Neither should this Nation and this president keeps this up he won't be able to protect himself from his own security. IMHO If your religion is down for this sort of worship, then don't come here. You are not welcome no matter WHAT dipsh**, treasonous traitor Obama has to say. He needs to go back and study history before he uses it in speeches. The Crusades are something he needs to research further.