Disrespecting? What the heck does that mean? Me defending me on what YOU only think? Wipe this crap, cause I give and I give Just took more life out of me, so I CAN live? I never took from you, you owe me money I don't even care, but when I ask you say," Honey" I say stop the bull, just send me the code So I can get my stuff from the lies you told I just want my few things that memorize my life When you swooped in and said you'd stand by my side But instead soon as I asked for my own back cash You don't answer, text NOTHING never returned my stash "Sorry, I'm shooting a movie" you say? Whoopee doo, so what,.. I want my pay
Back to the stupid, because I see You are a coward and just can't face me It's been so long since I asked for your love You instead locked my things with a hidden glove So merry Christmas to you hope your happy Cause you lead me into a fantasy world that's crappy GIVE ME MY things...it's all I have! PLEEEEEEASE! Jake snake, I can't believe another lying fake I gave and gave, as all you did was take All I did was, make another mistake.....end it I did in JULY! give me my stuff! Dare, look me in the eye Simple. HAGD...look I even capitalized all the letters! :)