Damn I hate to be the messenger within But a story just came to me Confirming WE need to win Have you heard all about FEMA?......federal emergency aid LMAO Yes of course you have......Katrina helped? Well they have funfun Campgrounds built near trains With barbed wire all around WELL let me just say It has troubled me for a time However when talking To European every day folk Some trouble I did find Barbed wire on fenced INSIDE HMMM why when out in sign "WELCOME" all who come in A HOTEL CALIFORNIA FRONT! Time catching time..hiccup
Mark these words please listen The powers that be see They are all part of the game And we all are pawns to be These camps have lived in history Fema has plastic COFFINS in the back I wrote a gambling piece Called ONE EYED BLACK Jack attack We must be a rainbow of skin To cause the storm to calm While the slime of the powers that be We call out all their crimes Pay close attention, it is a calm Before the storm identities, truths Reavealed, grab a bag of pop p**n corn May I take you to your seat?