The political playbook is in the process of being written as the POWERS that be regroup. Korea is demanding to be a part of the investigation of the accusations (evidence unseen) that Korea was responsible for the "cyber attacks" on our movie maga zillions. maker...Sony. They are threatening Americas buildings by name over an accusation that has not shown ANY real evidence. Just talktalktalk on the same ole sh** as they spin in bait and switch. Obama is now actually using the term POWERS that BE to defend his own position. He is sooo confused and pissed about it too. He has a lot to lose when his reign of whatever is up. Obama is a lost man and can't see or just doesn't care.
Sing advice to this man or ask him to step down before he takes us all with him. Yes the dogs are eating the dogs. Eating their own vomit. Poetic in a way, personally speaking. You see it in the media if you are familiar with the varying talking heads and pundits. If your not a true patriot pro AMERICA then best to sit back and watch the show and learn. Sing happy or stay silent, but in tune with what's really being said and done. Same breed of dogs only all different colors and shades. :) Godspeed and love prayers to the Almighty for discernment during this season in time. Sincerely IMHO Love!