I feel like the entire nation is being set-up. I think the powers that be are very confused right now and that things aren't going as they had planned. They are LOOKING for a race war to justify the calling of martial law. It's a gut thing. If you read me over the last year you would see I have been on the money with the political unfolding. Somethings not right in the milk and it has nothing to do with color. The United States is being high jacked to become a part of the world order. We must unite as the HUMANITY that we are. We must peacefully push the heads out of their positions and start minding our OWN behaviors. The camps are just waiting for an excuse to put people in them. FEMA camps that look just like concentration camps from Germany and Hitler days. They may not have the ovens but they sure have alot of plastic caskets stacked.
Please take note of our Presidents behavior...he is a puppet who thinks he's a master and he will have us all in bondage if we don't pay attention. Justsayin.