Through Earth, fire, water and winds I ride, Determined, still not amused An easy path for the blind to go A maze for whom not born reduced Through tornadoes, storms, and typhoons I slide Still I'm standing tall Through pest and plague and hunger I go No venom in my veins, but the blood of my heart and soul Bless the imbeciles, the ignorant fools They think they're burnt yet there was no flame The modest will for themselves succeed But my desire can no man tame Independent of time and possession We will unite by the fall of the fence
For my content, and satisfaction Is conspicuously its absence I see reflections of my suffocating destiny But I oblate upon thy throne and altar still For I'd rather die not getting there Then live and know I never will The gra** is never greener on the other side Sand and sand is all I see Give me water for my thirst and this Pyramid, shall be built by only me Oh, guide me towards thy presence The bell must ring like it rang For I possess the rope of strength In which my doubt will always hang