9/23/13 Tonight is the final game of this week headlined by the Denver Broncos playing the Oakland Raiders and the game is most definitely going to go in the Broncos favor. Peyton Manning is doing great this season with no interceptions. Yesterday there was a lot of games and they were all exciting but at the end of the day there was a winner and a loser. The Broncos are 3-0 after playing the Giants and Peyton and Eli played for their third and final time. Peyton is now 3-0 against his younger brother with is quite and achievement knowing that Eli has 2 Super Bowl rings and Peyton has one. This could most likely be Peyton's last season in the NFL 9/25/13 I read the book about the beatles and they are one of the most legendary bands to ever walk the earth. They split up when their lead singer John Lennon died and they haven't had another album since they split up. They toured the world multiple times and they have a platinum album for every album they released. back in the 70's the beatles were so popular. Biggie and 2Pac couldn't compare to the beatles in my opinion.
9/26/13 Today is the start of the NFL week 3. and the teams to kick it off are the 49ers and the Rams. Colin Kaepernick is going to have to do something to rebound after that big loss they had to the colts to go 1-2. Their tight end vernon davis was out with a concussion. this week they want to write off a bad loss with a good win and that should be in store for the game tonight on NFL Network