[Chorus]x2 Floating to the edge of the world Floating to the edge of the sea Floating off the edge of the ocean Out into the galaxy An apparition Of twilight visions A final mission A superstition Reactivated Now automated Appropriated Investigated Global tectonics Psycho robotic Plasma bionic Bred supersonic A new translation For intergration Your invitation G.L.O.R.I.A. [Chorus]x2 Floating to the edge of the world Floating to the edge of the sea Floating off the edge of the ocean Out into the galaxy Hyper-creation Or reinvention
Love and affection Gaining attention United nations Inter-relations A decleration Of hypertention Emerging summits Pre emptive plummit We drop atomic To shooting comets the controversial ultra-commercial now universal G.L.O.R.I.A. [Chorus]x2 Floating to the edge of the world Floating to the edge of the sea Floating off the edge of the ocean Out into the galaxy [Chorus]x2 Floating to the edge of the world Floating to the edge of the sea Floating off the edge of the ocean Out into the galaxy Out into the galaxy... x16