Today I entered a bill to amend our state's Constitution to stop our Republican Governor's efforts to force Obamacare Exchanges upon our state. The U.S. Supreme Court of the United States has just ruled in favor of upholding a key part of the Affordable Care Act; also known as Obamacare. With this ruling the Federal Government will continue its march across the healthcare landscape wrecking the greatest healthcare system in the world. Our nation has enjoyed the fruits of a healthcare system that was the product of free markets and at its core celebrated innovation, entrepreneurialism and capitalism. People who were in the healthcare field invented and developed more healthcare breakthroughs than all the rest of the world combined. We were the world's leader in life saving measures on one front after another. Today our nation is seeing doctors fleeing from their field. With the advent of socialized medicine through Obamacare, we now have little incentive for anyone to invest resources and risk to develop new innovations in most any healthcare field. In short, we are now witnessing one of the greatest governmental takeovers of a section of our economy in the history of our country. Officially much of the system will remain in the hands of the private sector, but will be on total regulatory lockdown. It will, like the banks and many other industries, look like freedom and a free market, but the only freedom that will really still exist for these businesses will be the freedom to become part of the governmental labyrinth of Obamacare or to simply close down their businesses. With this advent of socialized medicine for our county, we are no longer going to be faced with great care for those who have jobs and pay for it and minimal care for those who don't have jobs and won't pay for it. Now we will all be given the opportunity to suffer equally in the misery of governmentally mandated socialized medicine.
Our Governor has been a huge advocate for advancing the cause of most every social welfare program and specifically socialized medicine. His advocacy of expanding Medicaid a couple years ago was a precursor to his next step of implementing a "State Based Obamacare Exchange" upon the backs and pocketbooks of the people of our great state. It is unfortunate but his bent is to expand any and all social welfare programs with an absolute insatiable appetite for more and more federal dollars and federal intrusions into our state. I viciously opposed Obamacare when it was being brought forward and now I stand opposed to our Governor's new efforts to implement Obamacare Exchanges for our state. It is with all of this in mind that I humbly submit my bill for consideration to amend our state's Constitution to make it illegal for our state to implement a state based exchange to implement Obamacare. Please call and ask your reps to support this amendment.