I scrub my blackened feet Scrape off the caked on grime of the street I wash my hands and face Of the Worldly soot that accumulate In the day-in day-out farcical strife In the humdrum of everyday life And I enter my home clean Step up to the hearth I've deemed my own I sit down on the bidet And shower my flower of the decay That sets in when she lets in a guest For recreation no creation, her slight protest And I enter my bed clean Lay down my head and dream of another world The desert springs to life The golden chaparral gives up her rights To poppy fields for miles And purple lupin lavender behind
Another world Waking with the sun The poppy petals peel back to open And turn the hills orange To start another cycle of seasons Another world We dance as whooping cranes Who once again have found their lifetime mates We bound across the plains Roll down slopes, fill our white coats with stains Of another world We come to rest as one At the bottom of the hill, start to make love We lean against the earth Rocking back and forth and back and forth, back and forth Another world Under a wild sky setting sun We ride the waves towards something still to come Another world