All dark effects I'd long withstood Upon my room advanced The moving shade of Birnam Wood Disguised by broken branch I struck firm the hollow your thigh Withheld my name, yet from determined hold I could not fly; Though every tendon came undone Would you take a bound-up Isaac's place? "Is he a God and shall your grace Grow weary of your saints?" (I- Watts) Or prefer the father's dreadful fate? Are you a God, and shall your grace Grow weary of your saints? (Though every tendon came undone Safe in the arms of the kingdom come) Floodwater filled your formless birth A column cloud descends 'Your cause of sorrow must not be measured by his worth
For then it hath no end' (again from Macbeth) Yet may my heart in tune be found In four-shape notes from underground-- And can we not call it 'a nervous breakdown,' My nervous system breaking down? Would you take a bound-up Isaac's place? Are you a God, and shall your grace Grow weary of your saints? Steady a knife held sure by faith Are you a God? And shall your grace Grow weary of your saints? Riding in a westbound railcar They'll dump you in the Highgate Graveyard [poison-in-the-teacup-graveyard alpha-radiation-graveyard] Come untie your little son Before the angel comes