They didn't know I'd risen from hell They didn't know that I fooled them They just couldn't see the fire under my feet Listening to my ravings Reaching their hands to me They believed I'd set them free Being so stupid in their trust They were happy I said there was a mystery Dreaming of land Of golden sky Mountains of silver No one realized I lied My ideas couldn't be denied I seemed to be a new Messiah They couldn't see I was a simple liar So they march side by side Into dark instead of light Drinking the poison of my sweet deception Dopes of lies are so nice Hell looks like Paradise
They sing happy song under my direction They still can't see the fire under my feet They still don't know I'm liar Crowd of idiots they believe They satisfy their needs They think they'll rule the state Every stupid laundress What a pleasure I would get Strangling all these dregs But it's early, they still haven't done their job in darkness Their still haven't played their roles For this theatre of absurd I wanna use them as cannon fodder Kick the bucket as true heroes They will go and die on my order They still don't know I'm a liar... Liar...