Ancient Architecture of the Dark Ways Buried in Time Re-Birthed Start the Master Plan of Evil Design Genocide of the Weakness, The Artifact Falling into Their Minds Demonic Rites Seep From the Depths of Hell's Confines Then i Stand in Solitude as i Watch this Chaos Destroy All the False Ways of Life this World Employs Denial Of Life i View Before my Eyes Desolation Like a Wind Swept Plain Makes Room, Watch the Evil Arise Cannot Help But See What Lies Ahead For all Existence Winds Up Dead Imminent d**h Spirit s**ing Hole I Give You My Life I Give You My Soul Revived From the Scripts of Hell Written in Virgin's Blood
And in Return to the Universe Shown Hate Destruction of Love In My Mind i See You There And I'm Waiting to s** Your Life To s** Your Life Then i Stand in Solitude as i Watch this Chaos Destroy All the False Ways of Life this World Employs Denial Of Life i View Before my Eyes Desolation Like a Wind Swept Plain Makes Room, Watch the Evil Arise The Undead Rise From Tombs The Unborn Writhe Through Wombs You Can't Run, Face the Truth The End Comes like a Wall of Troops How Dare You Try to Look in My Soul All You're Going to Find is Fire As Existence Nears to End Our Worlds I'm Beyond this sh**, Release Our Souls