What about this guy You can't really see his face But he likes opera He can't be all bad Here, click on this guy's profile I pick the date I pick the place for the date A radical book store to which he, a 47 year old English student has never been Two blocks from where he lives on the downtown east side It has a nice little fiction and poetry section He crosses the street diagonally and runs his fingers through his hair Question and answer we tell our life stories over dinner And walking in the tourist sector out of here Where cruise ships dock and Americans meander Fallen skier, waiter, party guy Fallen skier, waiter, party guy His favorite place to work was a well known Greek resturant Where the staff were encouraged to drink, half price upon arriving for work The coke-dealer shows up and the day begins Fallen skier, waiter, party guy Fallen skier, waiter, party guy Own four Cadillac El Derados in Rome Self-described waiter/ski bum until he was 39 Then his parents died He didn't handle it very well He didn't handle d**h very well He took a room in the creepiest of the crappy skid-row hotels and lost his belongings when he couldn't pay the rent Claims he moved down there because that's where the services are You've got your rehab and your detox and your counciling you've got your 12 step and your food bank Warning, warning, red flag No one moves to skid row to get clean No one moves to skid row to get clean Will I be playing part of the woman trying to help his life get on track Helping him get his life back on track Fallen skier, waiter, party guy Fallen skier, waiter, party guy Standing on the pier Half-watching the sun go down Cloud of mist is giving great definition to the trees Which should have been flat and invisible I'm thinking of saying something of how the mist is making things clear But I decide to keep that thought to myself I feel I'm with a boy A very young boy He's only been away from home 27 years Only 27 summers 27 winters of partying and skiing I guess that's why he hasn't gotten anything together yet I don't think he realizes it But his life has gotten away from him After quitting school in grade 11, he bought a van so he could go on ski trips to Vermont He didn't leave home until he was 20 Fallen skier, waiter, party guy Fallen skier, waiter, party guy I ask about his plans He might like to go backpacking in Europe Skiing in Switzerland But not while he's still a student I cannot make him a 47 year old man He remains a boy Tall, skinny, boyish features With that faded, worried look Fallen skier, waiter, party guy Slips into an anxious silence I feel the urge to ask what's wrong Oh God, let me not start with that I think he may have run out of things to say
I told my Reader's Digest version of my life over dinner Which makes me realize that I could probably pitch my novel in 2 minutes as a screen play He gave no indication of being attracted to me No compliments, no lingering looks across the table intending to reveal interest We didn't talk about relationships or dating expectations It was kind of like being stuck with a visiting friend of a friend getting rooked into going out for dinner Our conversation was only kind of okay Only kind of okay Fallen skier, waiter, party guy Fallen skier, waiter, party guy Near the end Out on the pier After the sun has gone down He asks me about this music of mine Is it ever all out punk? He seems concerned that it might be hardcore punk I stand, middle aged woman in a fantastically subtle silk jacket all the way from Japan, Hush Puppies, curly hair flowing in the wind And this guy's fretting over the possibility that I'm actually Henry Rollins I try to explain punk myself But fail on making an impact here He never did ask the name of my band He never tried to touch me Fallen skier, waiter, party guy I ask what sort of music he listens to He says his taste is eclectic My least favorite answer to a question meant to increase understanding Eclectic in this case means that music isn't really that important to him Isn't really that important to him He says his taste varies, but he's never been into the live music scene Never been, never been into the live music scene After eclectic comes techno And I'm still trying to make him 47 But he's stuck in my mind a boy A boy that might backpack around Europe once he finishes school Fallen skier, waiter, party guy Carefully, I ask if he does anything I might call creative Perhaps he finds creative expression making an espresso, a cappaucino I don't know Thinks a minute and says he doesn't play music or paint, if that's what I mean But he does watch TV Free cable in his creepy, freaky hotel room And he likes to go, he likes to go to the movies, to the movies I can only half think about being so gray and dispa**ionate to call watching TV creative I guess to him, art is a hobby And his hobby is being entertained The sun is down and I blurt out "I've got to get back to the other side of town" At my bus stop I ask him if I can give him a hug I mean, a hug goodbye We hug, and he cheers up and decides to wait with me for the bus Fallen skier, waiter, party guy By the time I get home His email to ask me out again I should've skipped the hug I go to bed, rather than him reply Perhaps he's on antidepressants and he's psychotic My internet dating experience I want to get back I want to get back tomorrow Fallen skier, waiter, party guy Fallen skier, waiter, party guy