Now you can be popular too with max normal's how to get popular in 10 easy steps. Smooth! Step 1: get good at placing a lot of rhyming words together so they make up sentences that make sense Step 2: practice saying these sentences aloud, over repetitive sounds, so as to hypnotize the listener For example: We provide stimulation, Through virtual simulation To recreate the sensation Of reincarnation Like a lonely Caucasian Rocking his sony playstation It's just some ancient information Why you getting all woah? Step 3: throw in an unexpected sound effect here and there for people who don't really listen that well
Step 4: try using different voices so that people will start to believe that they're coming to know more than just one aspect of your personality and therefore begin to relate to you on a more personal level. (if you know what I'm saying) Step 5: wear something catchy Step 6: be nice as much as possible Step 7: be horrible now and again Step 8: always do what you say Step 9: say cool things And finally Step 10: pretend to be uncool And there you go, soon you might even have to change your phone number