SKIT: Yes I was mistaken I called her a couple of days later and then she told me that she had a new boyfriend I was crushed, smashed, shattered, broken I try to get her back, she just pushed me away She told me this in my birthday So I called her and I said: * BEEP * VERSE MAU: And I thought that we were good enough And every song I write from now you're tangled in thoughts Promise to keep all the promise but you did not see it coming I'm crawling to call you phone, but you've buried me inside you deepest coffin I'm hoping, holding faith you still believe in me Asking myself how was I blind to let him in between Look in you eyes, and I can see that you're drowning in blood of reminisce Your rebound relationship is another act of loneliness Tolerance tag did not attach on our foolishness But if you ever get a thought of mine then this is food for it Titled you moon nevertheless that I would shoot for it And if you turn to be my mistake I would fall fool again If you ever get a second thought Hopping these lyrics feeds you brain When you hear and play this song Every time it's on They ask me where I get the inspirations from? I point at you with the pride to be your wrong Cause I learned a lot, earned a lot Wrote some bridges that burned a lot, concerned about This is no compilation of my aggression But my last word of my confession To your Expression DAMNED SPIRIT MOVIE SKIT: "So you make love to me, and then you go back to your husband?" "Was that your plan? Was that a test that I didn't pa**?" "No! I made a promise to a man. He gave me a ring and I gave him my word." "And your word is shot to hell now, dontcha think?" "Would you just stay with me?" "Stay with you? What for? Look at us, we're already fighting!"
"Well that's what we do! We fight! You tell me when I'm being an arrogant son of a b**h, and I tell you when you're being a pain in the a**! Which you are, 99% of the time VERSE MAU: LOOK I know we went to through enough ups and downs From the Himalayas mountains to the flat surface of safari I know you're glad finding someone you don't fight with But I'm sorry That's what we do we fight, we break up, we cry That's what makes our bond stronger then yesterday weaker then tomorrow So as my love for you It's going to be hard But swore we to each other that this we would work out No matter how brimming the flood We would stand, slam brick wall of rocks We had what majority of existent titles it “an offering”, “a gift “ Others who are suffering to get “a blessing” Arch and belongings from Olympus had on a conversation on rotation of our love Wasn't planned it happened Which had occurred a new future, cupid felt stupid realizing it not On my knees I stood in front of you by the waterfalls of Heaven Swore to you on every single water on this planet That I would love you forever But so did you I gave you my honesty, wisdom and the loyalty to my word But what happened to yours But f** it I don't care how many you´ve come across in time I was your first and so were you, were you mine You can't Tell number 4 no. 1 You lying MOVIE SKIT: Which you are, 99% of the time I'm not afraid to hurt your feelings They have like a two-second rebound rate and your back doing the next pain in the a** thing." "So what?" "So it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard, and we're gonna have to work at this every day But I wanna do that because I want you I want all of you, forever You and me, every day. Will you do something for me?