Jasper: (spoken) Why am I having a hard time- Gretchen: (spoken) Remembering? It's starting. The Forgetting. It happens in phases It's a process; first you die As you fall from life to d**h, you fall into the Lethe, board the ferry, pay your fare. And you think "I had a thought", but you forgot. Just forgot (spoken) The first stage is the headaches So it starts Small details begin to blur, 'til the person that you were seems so distant, was that you? As each memory erases, the photos of familiar faces, smudge and blot, but you won't care a lot You'll forget you forgot (spoken) The second stage you start to forget others, your friends, your parents. In the third stage you start speaking Portuguese Jasper: (spoken) Portuguese? Gretchen: (spoken) No one knows why Gretchen: Now it isn't uncommon to try to stop it, to fight for your life
Never to lose sight of your life. It's tragically normal to jot it down, to write all your life. Gripping tight to your life You make notes in a book, so to fight the forgetting, you might keep the best things and omit what's upsetting But as days pa** you look in your book just to find That the book that you took serves one purpose To remind you of all of the people, you'll never see again For even when they come, they'll end up just as dumb, and then (spoken) The last stage: you forget yourself. And suddenly you feel okay At last it stops And you toss the book for trash, or you torch the book to ash, just like they did. Just like me And you'll learn like other folk, that life is just a joke, a trick of gla** and smoke, a dream from which you've woke