12/9/13 In 1942 Scotland a boy called Angus MacMorrow lives in a large manor house on the shores of Loch Ness with his mother Anne (housekeeper), his sister, a cook, a maid and an old game keeper. Later they are joined by Lewis Mowbray, who comes to work as a handyman in the manor. Angus' father a sailor in the Royal Navy is missing since his ship has been sunk in the war. However, Angus is unable to accept that he may be dead. 12/10/13 One day, while looking for seashells in the tidepools (in the movie the loch is saltwater), he discovers what appears to be a large mysterious egg. He leaves it in his father's shed and returns later to check on it. An unknown creature hatches from it whom he calls Crusoe after Robinson Crusoe, that becomes the fabled Loch Ness Monster. Angus keeps the creature a secret, but eventually tells his sister and (reluctantly) Lewis about it. Lewis explains to Angus that it is a 'Water Horse' and that there is always only one such creature: creatures of this species as**ually reproduce, and always die before the egg hatches. 11/11/13 The next day troops of the 12th Medium Regiment Royal Artillery, commanded by Captain Thomas Hamilton, a friend of Lord k**in, the owner of the house who is serving with the RAF, arrive at the house. An artillery battery is set up near the lake as defence against possible attacking or hiding German U-boats and the troops set up camp on the grounds of the house. An anti-submarine net is also raised at the mouth of the lake to prevent the entrance of German U-boats into the lake. Meanwhile, Crusoe grows so fast that hiding him becomes impossible and eventually Angus has no other option but to allow Lewis to bring it to the lake.
11/12/13 Captain Hamilton persuades Angus' mother to allow him to teach Angus some discipline and make a soldier out of him. She agrees but after a few days Angus escapes and returns to the lake were he left his friend. Crusoe lets him ride on its back. After some time, it begins to dive underwater, coming to the surface from time to time for breathing. Angus, scared of the water, loudly protests that it should stop diving, but later enjoys himself, perhaps even overcoming his phobia for the sea. The peaceful setting doesn't last long; Crusoe suffers from shell shock after almost getting shot by "Victoria" (a cannon; originally meant to stop submarines) aimed at the lake during a firing demonstration. 11/13/13 Two people who previously saw Crusoe while fishing on the lake attempt to take a photo of it in order to become rich. When they realize that they won't be able to photograph the real thing due to the bombardment test, they decide to create an imitation, which results in the real-life faked picture of The Loch Ness Monster, also known as "The Surgeon's Photo".