Walk through the highlands with a pitbull terrier Inhaling coffee with a 40 dollar pedicure Outside i swear i smell a crazy couture line of clothes With all these mirrors god i feel so vain i have to pose The smell, chanel, it touched my nose and then i hit the floor She said i only got this jacket in a 44 I can't afford to buy it anyway but that's okay Just let me know your schedule, i'll check back here everyday (and i'm) For the girl behind the counter, and i'm the guy behind the guy
I'm the king of all composure before the retail girl, the retail girl pa**es by She saw me with another girl the other day I saw her with another girl, but that's okay It's all crazy like that And when she pa**es by she makes me feel so all alone She makes me cry cuz she doesn't work the days i'm home She makes me buy the things that don't even fit me She makes me wonder why i never wear enough cologne