What breached a thousand bridges
Just for the rescue?
And what downed the greatest bulwarks
Just to release you?
And what hath brought Man unto close kiss of d**h
For honour and valour, rejoicing last breath?
And what placed together illustrious stones
To render cathedrals of eminent stance?
And furnish with pipes with those earth-shaking tones
For all but to heighten the musical trance?
And what goaded Man into penning sad word
That told of his want and his reason to die?
And why then to craft in a song to be heard
Through heart-rending notes that reduce us to cry?
And what conjured Man oft to woo through his fare,
Creating ambrosia of wondrous cuisine,
With wine so to cast such romantic a pair -
Providing a feast for the king and his queen?
And what hath wrenched the fool from Man
To place him high upon the stage;
To jellify his rational plan;
Do all you ask for naught of wage?
And slave in effort way from measure -
Without a thought for reason why -
So he can reach his darling treasure:
A feat his mindset will deny;
And then remain a slave to you -
Betroth himself for all he's worth -
So he can hear you say 'I do'
And e'er have reason on this earth?
Why, ‘tis that warm, invisible mist
That overwhelms - embracing all;
Gives air to know we'll never fall;
That bonds together through the soul,
And resting forms that drive ordeal -
Promoting those of great appeal;
Stabilising all - our race -
Shielding under mighty wing,
Surrounding all with calming ring:
‘Tis love, of course.