I had my sources telling me Where you go, who you went to see I made notes and tapes and photographs I messed up, obsessed up, but at least with you I feel like I'm something On a double date our hair washed and all, And I don't really think your sister saw A kiss goodnight I'll try again And I can't seem to stop myself in the end You run away and run inside Your mommy called the state police Billy Joel on the radio And I got scared and let you go On a double date Our hair washed and all And I don't really think your sister saw Me in the backseat holding you But what was I supposed to do
You're not the Jason that I knew You're not the Jason that I knew You're not the Jason that I knew You're not the Jason that I knew 'Cause this was not the Jason I knew I'm nothing when you go away Chelsea turns 13 today On a double date our hair washed and all And I don't really think your sister saw Me in the back seat chokin' you But what was I supposed to do You're not the Jason, that I knew You're not the Jason, that I knew You're not the Jason that I knew You're not the Jason that I knew 'Cause this was not the Jason I knew