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All Mark Lemhouse Albums
The Great American Yard Sale (2005)
Cluck Old Hen *
Hazy *
Leroy Feller's Blues *
Never Me *
Nothin' In The World Can Stop Me Worryin' 'bout That Girl *
Paper Sack *
Salem *
Scarlet *
The Great American Yard Sale (2005) *
The Queen Of Easy Street *
The Unofficial Ballad Of Story Musgrave *
You're A Bastard
Big Lonesome Radio (2003)
Baby Sister Blues *
Big Lonesome Radio (2003) *
Edwin's Lament *
Electra *
Jealous Moon *
Mercy Mia *
No One Can Forgive Me But My Baby *
One Hand Loose *
Pony Blues *
Tappin' that Thing *
What's the Matter With Papa's Little Angel Child *
You Can't Get that Stuff No More *
See all Mark Lemhouse songs