what puts the wind in one man's sail what makes the other snap off the train tracks and derail what makes a man violating think that it's alright to come on kiss his wife like it's nothing good now how does a man get these sick coughin' sounds when he once breathes so clear before he shot himself down and thinking back at that far off look in your eyes there was always a disconnect I couldn't pinpoint not long ago you were a hired gun till you became expendable, old and no fun you lost your friends and you ran out of things to say you watched batman on your 40th birthday while your kids get skinny and cry for their dad while their teeth fall out, turn yellow and black while your eyebrows grow long and your belly gets big while you become a grumpy old, frumpy old pig
you give your friend your faith and you give him your trust until you open your eyes and there they are red-handed busted just when I thought the parasites would leave me be here come more perils from the sea what uplifts him and makes him fly so well while the street pigeon breathes in a toxic chemical why does the universe bring both pleasure and pain why do you have to watch your bend like a knight in a chest why does the universe make us sick and frail why did the universe fail what puts the lightness under one mans feet while the other walks with a limp and slowly creeps diggin' around in the trash and diggin' through drawers crawlin' round like a dog on your basement floor