You gave birth to despair - apartheid
A throw-away child, [system abandoned us] I had no fight
We bore the burden, [of a pariah community] like things despised
The weight of inhumanity, [inferiority] you never recognised
Colours of our rainbow nation [different races] blurred your lines [didn't recognize one nation]
The Weight of oppression, shackled into our confines [activists incarcerated]
Now still we crave ... democracy; [still struggling despite democracy and one man one vote]
Now still we crave ... a better life
Now still we crave democracy;
There shall be equality for all, not this lunacy [still too much crime, corruption]
Politics of, a grave inhumanity [many still destitute as money wasted]
So lives lie ruined this our destiny;
Still there's madness in the street [still protests bedevil the new 20 year old democracy]
Some deja vu we place our feet; [seems like the old days of activism against apartheid]
Bloodied in those of our ancestors [we carry their pain]
Who say open the doors
To a life of prosperity ...
Not inhumanity, not inhumanity [all people need a better life]
Now we still crave democracy
Now still we crave .... a better life ..
Now still we crave democracy
A life of equality, Not this fallacy
A people's greed and opulence
The politics of entitlement does it make sense? [politicians lining their pockets]
Hungry children on pavements crying; [children suffer due to self-enrichment - we need to think of the future]
And our mothers, fathers dying....
So Where on earth will it end ...
And Who will defend ....
Our rights, our fight, our plight
Now still we crave democracy
Now still we crave .. a better life
Now still we crave democracy
Not this our destiny
A brother with a shotgun to his head [youth turning to crime]
He lies on a lonely road, yet another dead [gangsterism rife]
A nation ponders, families left to ruin [families destroyed by gangsterism]
Try as we might, battles we can't win [authorities seem to battle to uphold the law]
Too many lives lived in fear [we are free but not free on the streets]
For some too much to bear [people going abroad for greener pastures]
A country lies battered and bruised
Yet another child's dignity abused [child abuse still a problem]
Now still we crave ... democracy;
Now still we crave ... a better life
Now still we crave democracy
We need to rid of this legacy
Now shacks have grown [poverty in informal settlements]
Where many still sit forlorn; [people need jobs]
One wipes his brow, as if poverty his fate
He had hopes but destiny's date
Keeps reminding him of his fate [nowhere to turn to]
And now a nation sees the past [reminder of the past for the present generation]
In their future, they say will last
Now still we crave ... democracy;
Now still we crave ... a better life
Now still we crave democracy
Not this autocracy
Vulnerable lies a Political heartland of malice [politicians don't care about the under privileged]
Now they claim the ills of a poisoned chalice [they inherited the system they say]
A landscape now lies riven
Hope the vestiges of dignity won't disappear into oblivion [need to pull back the frontiers of poverty and disenfranchisement]
The anger hate and prejudice [lots of racism still today]
Still lies buried in crumpled fists [poor are taking to the streets to protest their dismay/grievances]
And now issues of the past [still haunted by apartheid]
Still haunt us .. they last, they last [where will it end?]
Now still we crave ... democracy;
Now still we crave ...
A better life
(then repeat and and fade last verse)
Lyrics: Mark Carrels