Through used up life-force and used up skin Through strings of failure and stiff limbs of shame Crapulous orgies - Consuming sin In ceaseless hunger Hellish black thirst Livid with the hue of mould and d**h Crowned with swarming angels of rot Mere food for maggots Mere fuel for the flames Saying grace at the table of Decay And as your soul in darkness burn ...of the emptiness you learn And as your flesh to soil turn
...embrace the Gospel of the Worm Warmth and life are now strangers in here The Void is present Ancient yet forever new Dead - You are dead! Depleted - You are dead! Bow before the sk**ful smith of Decay No hope - Only d**h! Clusters of heavy sins hold you down And as your soul in darkness burn ...of the emptiness you learn And as your flesh to soil turn ...embrace the Gospel of the Worm