Supplication, Knees Of Gla**, Clothed In The Fissures Of The Outskirts Of Life Soil And Shadow, Shadowsoil, Left Here To Feed Upon The Punishments Of God Nameless, I Have No Name, The Book Of Flesh Is Bleeding For I Have No Name, The Steadiness Of Unsteadiness, My Lounge Is A Pillar In The Temple Of d**h Crucifixion, Cross Of Holes, And My Hands Are A Thousand Winters Rust And Spirit, Angel-swarm, Shoveling Sins To Build The Devils Bridge Power, Power, I Swallowed Your Psalms To Gain Their Power A Hey-Shaped Sword And A Sword-Shaped Hey, Mountains To Water, Oceans To Stone
Zealous Limbs Of Worship And My Song Is A Tempest Of Ash Brave After Brave, Countless Millenia Hopeless, Manic d**h-Addiction Fall After Fall, Countless Millenia, Fathomless, Unsoluble d**h-Saturation Broken Eyes, Funeral Poison, A Just Reward From This Barden Of Fevers. Decide And I'll Stay Here Never Dry, For The Eight Day Is But A Song To The Lord Nameless, I Have No Name, The Book Of Flesh Is Bleeding For I Have No Name The Steadiness Of Unsteadiness, My Lounge Is A Pillar In The Temple Of d**h