[3:18] Crushing resistance, inflicting pain. Fierce devotion, reign of terror. Draconian measures, sealing their fates. Proudly displaying achievements in blood. Warschau. Warschau. Warschau. Overk** supreme, bloodletting. Sacrifice, blood is the price of victory. Iron claws descend, ruling with supremacy. Declaration of d**h, damnation's pride. Eye for an eye, d**h for d**h. Panzerclaw retaliate, blood and dust. Annihilation, obliteration, cremation.
Declaration of d**h, genocide triumphant. Crushing resistance, inflicting pain. Fierce devotion, reign of terror. Draconian measures, sealing their fates. Proudly displaying achievements in blood. Warschau. Warschau. Warschau. Overk** supreme, bloodletting. Sacrifice, blood is the price of victory. Iron claws descend, ruling with supremacy. Declaration of d**h, damnation's pride. Warschau. Warschau. Warschau.